Mayor Michelle Dracoulis · 和 Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia 澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院与 Chinese Community Association of Tasmania Chinese New Year Festival 一起 · 关注
2天 ·
It was my honour today to represent the Derwent Valley as a guest of Master Zhi-Ji and the Tasmanian Buddhist Academy at the Sounding the Bell Ceremony to welcome in the Year of the Snake 🐍
“In Chinese culture, the snake is revered for its mystique and profound symbolism.
Its slender form moves silently, yet its agile and transformative nature embodies wisdom of all living things. As a symbol of insight and strategic mastery, the snake represents the ability to observe and adapt to all circumstances.
This Eastern philosophy, disseminated globally through the Spring Festival, inspires the world -whether through the farming proverb 'A bountiful harvest when the green snake meets the fourth mao', or the intangible heritage's principle of 'harmonious coexistence between humans and nature'. All of these reflect the deep concern of Chinese civilization for humanity's shared destiny.”
Excerpt from address by Master Zhi-Ji
Happy Chinese New Year!!!🇨🇳
Derwent Valley Council Chinese Community Association of Tasmania Chinese New Year Festival Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy of Australia 澳大利亞塔州中國佛教學院
它纤细的外形静静地移动,然而它的灵活和变革性的本性体现了所有生物的智慧。 作为洞察力和战略掌握的象征,蛇代表观察和适应所有情况的能力。
春节在全球传播的这种东方哲学激励了世界 - 无论是通过农业谚语“青蛇遇四毛丰收”还是非物质遗产的“人与自然和谐共处”原则。 所有这些都反映了中国文明对人类共同命运的深切关注。 ”